Our Price Match Guarantee lets you shop with total confidence, knowing that ThrowDown Performance will offer you the best prices anywhere!...We will match or beat a competitor's price on most auto parts listed on our website. The price match applies to the total price of the purchase, and the price matching must be done before the actual purchase. Simply let us know what the lower price is, and where you found it!
Please read the following criteria carefully to be sure your product qualifies for Match Pricing:
- ThrowDown Performance will not match pricing on products from Unathorized Dealers, auction sites, phone quotes or employee discounts.
- Does not apply to Competitors offering factory-reconditioned, refurbished, closeout, or previously returned items.
- Does not apply to Competitors offering special promotions such as sale prices, rebate offers, coupon offers, quantity discounts, special orders and/or membership requirements for buyers and/or sellers.
- The online Competitor must be an established U.S. Site, as determined by ThrowDown Performance.
- Other exclusions may apply depending on manufacturers MAP limitations and terms.
- Competitor manufacturer and part number MUST match our product.
- Our Competitor MUST have the item available for shipping and in stock.
- Please provide the competitor's advertised price.
- Please include ALL competitor shipping and handling fees.
- We reserve the right to limit the amount of the price match request per customer.
- We reserve the right NOT to provide Match Pricing.
- Price Match Guarantee is subject to change without prior notice